Comments or Suggestions
It is a noble mission undertaken by Dr Arvind Tayal and his group in Shamli. Having gone through the literature of Mission Health and the assertions made in therein I have a firm belief that it will be a trendsetter of its own kind. People are in general disillusioned by the prevailing approach of the medical fraternity to tackle noncommunicable diseases.Focus is predominantly an over-medicalized one. A salutogenesis bent is altogether missing. The ideas contained in mission Health's BROCHURE S are BASIC yet REVOLUTIONARY. These have immense potential beneficial value for the the sufferers as well as the general public.
I wish and hope more and more medicos will join this movement.
COMM. MEDICINE. safai med college, MEMBER MCI
Initiative and efforts are REALLY APPRECIABLE. To understand disease pattern is entirely different.Importance of vitamin D in prevention of many diseases and cancers is now well established. It's awareness all over India done by you. MARVELLOUS.
MISSION HEALTH PROGRAM by DR Arvind Tayal , supported by IMA SHAMLI and ROTARY CLUB SHAMLI is not lesser important program than POLIO PLUS PROGRAM. 40 LAKHS CASES of polio per year were prevented. And if mission health is truly adopted by people, associations and government authorities,then crores of chronic lifestyle diseases patients can be prevented from this program.Because of its huge preventive aspects, it should vehemently be supported by each and everyone.
CO-ORDINATOR POLIO PLUS ( zone 9 ) distt. 3100

Dear Dr Tayal
After going through the articles in the website as well as in the hard copy I feel that the work which you are doing is a great effort in the right direction. I think that we urgently need a holistic health revolution which your work is also substantiating. We the doctors should focus more on health and not just keep fighting the diseases, that too only at physical level ignoring the mental, social and spiritual level. The growing evidence in favor of bio-psycho-spiritual model of health should be strongly taught to the medical students instead of teaching the outdated bio-medical model largely based on germ theory of disease. I think the efforts of IMA Shamli branch will go a long way in fulfilling the above mentioned task. I pray to the Almighty God that you may be given the strength to accomplish the great health revolution which is the need of the hour.
My best wishes and resources will always be with you.
Dr Rahul Bansal
Professor & Head
Community Medicine
Subharti Medical College
The Mission Health Programme , initiated by Dr Arvind Tayal, is a revolutionary dogma compelling to revise our present mindset about causes and cures of a disease , especially the life style diseases. This is challenging task but surely will be a trendsetter on the timeline of medical sciences. A loud applaud of this campaign is need of today to draw the attention of medical fraternity at large. Its scope also encompasses the reforms in medical education and drug policies by government of India.
Wishing a great success to Mission Health, I extend my support too.
Dr Sunil Bhartiya
M. D (Paediatrics)
Your work to catch the root cause of illness especially life style caused diseases & emphasis on change in medical education with proper emphasis on life style changes Will go a long way with remarkable impact on medical sciences
The Mission Health Programme is a unique initiative taken in right direction. I strongly feel that this campaign has potential to transform our understanding in to the diagnosis and successful management of non communicable diseases.I wish great success of The Mission Health Programme and hope entire medical fraternity will come forward in support.
Dr Ravindra Kumar Tomar